WAS Re: nuclear power

From: Spudboy100@aol.com
Date: Thu Jun 07 2001 - 15:09:49 MDT

In a message dated 6/7/2001 11:13:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
jonkc@worldnet.att.net writes:

<< Even more dangerous are the thousands of tone of refined Plutonium metal
 that already exists, even more dangerous are the thousands of completed
 H bombs guarded by Russians who drink too much, make little money, and
 are pissed. >>
Please realize that there are many fanatics, in the USA, and the Islamic
world who would attempt to use Pu-239 oxide, Uranium-235 oxide as a weapon of
Mass Disruption. I am not stating (hear me now, and believe me later) that
these fissile materials are easilly constructed into bombs. What I am saying
is that there are morons who would sacrifice their lives just to make others

Terror tactic-spill nuke material into a water supply causing contamination
and psychological disruption (hence my weapons of mass disruption). Two: If
you have the means, explode a Piper Cub over a metro area, while you are high
enough up, to disperse rad materials. It may not kill many, but the panic
sure might. If one really wanted terror, and casualties, one would use bio or
gas weapons, however, the thread is nuclear. Nuclear power, to be successful
requires responsibility, a good trait?


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