Re: nuclear power

From: John Clark (
Date: Thu Jun 07 2001 - 09:06:51 MDT

Chuck Kuecker <> Wrote:

>That's the key. Elementary security will keep the fuel rods away from the
>bad guys.

Well yes, but easier said than done when you're talking about such a
huge amount of it. And it's not like money where you can keep track of
every cent , every time you move it or process it a little bit always
stick to things and you wind up with a little less, not a lot, perhaps .05%,
but that's enough to gradually siphon off the stuff without being detected.
Even more dangerous are the thousands of tone of refined Plutonium metal
that already exists, even more dangerous are the thousands of completed
H bombs guarded by Russians who drink too much, make little money, and
are pissed.

>the fact that the extraction from spent fuel will kill the extractors should
>prevent theft in all but the most rabid terrorists.

I would humbly submit that most rabid terrorists are the only ones who would
want to make a nuclear bomb and are the only ones we need worry about.

> You want to live to set off the bomb if you go to all that trouble, I am sure.

Recent events involving conventional explosives would seem to call that
assertion into question.

I'm not anti nuclear power, but I don't think we should sugar coat the problems.

  John K Clark

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