Re: France to fight cults

From: J Corbally (
Date: Wed Jun 06 2001 - 17:16:25 MDT

>Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 23:56:10 -0700
>From: Samantha Atkins <>
>Subject: Re: France to fight cults
>scerir wrote:
> >
> > France has become the first country in the world
> > to introduce specific legislation aimed at controlling
> > the activities of cults. The objective is to combat
> > the 175-odd movements of a quasi-religious nature
> > considered a danger to society.
> >,3604,499586,00.html
>So, they don't believe in freedom of association? Freedom of
>belief? Freedom to act on your opinions and beliefs?
>They believe the state can and should decide what is supposed to
>be suppressed for the "good of all".
>This is worse than a thousand cults.
>- - samantha

Noble intentions, bad execution. If they want to stamp out cults, then
have a nationwide campaign, giving the facts (and only the facts) about
these groups. Show them up to be exactly what they are. We don't need
these people gaining the sympathy of the mainstream. You're right though,
the French Govt. will trample over anything it sees as a "threat".

Then again, sooner or later European Law will get round to removing laws
like this. We're voting on the removal of the death penalty here tomorrow,
and to accept the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.

"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and
crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures
to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid."
-Q, Star Trek:TNG episode 'Q Who'

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