Re: extropians-digest V6 #155

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Wed Jun 06 2001 - 05:37:17 MDT

On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, KPJ wrote:

> To upgrade one's own environment to handle global requirements
> would seem a more correct, extropian action than whining about
> change obsoleting one's mail reading software.

My mailer does read HTML just fine, and that's actually the core of the
problem. I can't switch off HTML default rendering, and it's the only
mailer I can currently use which does POP and can handle >32 kMessages.
No, I still haven't a Postgresql mail database set up.

Upgrading? Yes, but for the next few weeks I'm unable to run my own
mailserver (I can't afford fiddling with Postfix, orelse I lose access
entirely, blame goes to a certain academic BOFH), and I'm limited to
Netscape as my MUA.

Yep, that's scheduled, including automatical sorting into high-noise
folder (mailing me in pure HTML will assure that I process your message
with low priority, or not at all -- will take care of 90% of spam, too),
automated reply mail explaining in painful detail as why using HTML is Not
A Good Idea, exploit demonstration (you think it's smart revealing your IP
address in realtime by rendering a web bug in message body? Think again),
and killfiling of repeat violators. Problem solved at my end.

Meanwhile, it's perfectly extropic to bitch, whine, and moan.

If it makes a few people realize the error of their ways, so much the

-- Eugene


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