Re: France to fight cults

From: Francois-Rene Rideau (
Date: Wed Jun 06 2001 - 02:12:56 MDT

On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 11:56:10PM -0700, Samantha Atkins wrote:
> scerir wrote:
>> France has become the first country in the world
>> to introduce specific legislation aimed at controlling
>> the activities of cults. The objective is to combat
>> the 175-odd movements of a quasi-religious nature
>> considered a danger to society.
> So, they don't believe in freedom of association? Freedom of
> belief? Freedom to act on your opinions and beliefs?
Freedom? In France? Are you joking?
The only "freedom" we have is the one in our slogan:
        "liberté, égalité, fraternité".

> They believe the state can and should decide what is supposed to
> be suppressed for the "good of all".
Well, at least, that's what the mass-media will have us believe,
and will have us believe every other french people believe
(so that any contradiction makes you a fascist ultra-liberal pig).

> This is worse than a thousand cults.
Well, statism is France's #1 cult, with socialism being the main sect.

Any taker to open a church of freedom?

[ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | ]
[ TUNES project for a Free Reflective Computing System | ]
The reason why we must be tolerant is NOT that everyone is as right as
everyone else. It is that no system allows to reliably distinguish right
and wrong beforehand. Only by having the right to err can one have the
right to be correct. The attitude of tolerance is thus to let the fools be
victims of their own folly rather than of ours, as long as they in turn
do not impose their folly upon us.

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