RE: Re-crafting the extropian image [Was: RE: Norman Spinrad on THE SPIKE]

From: Ben Goertzel (
Date: Tue Jun 05 2001 - 23:35:46 MDT

> > From: Ben Goertzel
> ...
> > Right now would be a great time to launch a new future tech
> > magazine. We
> Remember "Extropy" (the printed magazine)? That moved to the web some
> time ago, but there has not been any new article for more than a year,
> it seems. Maybe ExI should try and revive that?

I do remember Extropy now, but I admit that when I typed that e-mail about a
magazine, I totally forgot about it...

It was very cool!!

so why did Wired thrive and Extropy and Mondo 2000 not? I guess just
*because* Wired became fairly shallow and commercial and mainstream...

I agree that we should seek to revive the Extropy magazine in its Web form.
I can contribute some of my articles from the Frankfurter Allgemaine, which
have hitherto appeared in print only in German...


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