Re-crafting the extropian image [Was: RE: Norman Spinrad on THE SPIKE]

From: Max More (
Date: Tue Jun 05 2001 - 09:53:54 MDT

At 07:23 AM 6/5/01, Ben Goertzel wrote:

>I don't think that Extropy is *anything* like a cult, in actual fact
>What I was agreeing with was the statement that it often *looks* this way to

While I agree, obviously, that there is no cult here, I also have to agree
that it sometimes appears that way to some outsiders, especially before
they meet the principals involved. I don't *like* that fact, but I have to
acknowledge it objectively. The interesting question is: Why do some people
respond that way, and what can we do about it? (And is it worth doing what
it would take to dispel that response?)

>And I think that this appearance is hard to avoid. One has to work to avoid
>it, it comes automatically from being a moderately coherent group of
>like-minded out-of-the-mainstream people.

Yes, just being out of the mainstream, having unusual ideas that involve
numerous unfamiliar ideas talked about using terms unknown to the majority
(with a liberal sprinkling of neologisms, useful as they are), and a
comprehensive and divergent perspective (or weltanschauung to use the
wonderful German term) are enough to cause this misperception in casual,
careless, or malicious observers.

> From reading the documents on the Extropy website, Extropy looks a lot
>*more* cultlike than it does from reading this list, however.

And they may appear more that way than the impression people get from
public talks given by ExI reps such as myself, ExI Advisor's Natasha
Vita-More, Ray Kurzweil, Marvin Minsky, and Roy Walford, or ExI VP Greg Burch.

> For instance,
>the website states certain principles to which all extropians must adhere.
>[...] I do not find myself being cast out for my lack of
>intellectual obedience.

This prompts me to ask for input from all extropians who want to help
improve our image. We are currently thoroughly re-writing the FAQ (delayed
due to focusing on the conference), and I have already determined that a
complete overall of ExI's website is a top priority for the summer. So,
here is my request:

INPUT PLEASE: In order to maximize the effectiveness of ExI's public
on-line presence, I ask for your feedback on the current contents, look,
and feel of our Website (and any other forums and points of contact with
the public). We have already shifted considerably away from cult-meme
triggers, such as by de-emphasizing the use of symbols and by changing the
look of the site. What else can we do? I don't believe the Extropian
Principles are a problem since they explicitly not a set of doctrines, but
a revisable codification of values and attitudes that give meaning to
"extropian". Are there essays, phrases, images, or other cognitive or
emotional triggers in our on-line presence that we could change in more
effective ways? (Without becoming boring and characterless.)

PLEASE do look over the website and think of other ExI points of contact
and give me feedback on this. I may not reply quickly until after Extro-5,
but you can be sure that I will be gathering your comments for action
during the summer re-design. Your careful and constructive input on this
would be *invaluable* in helping us attract a wider range of people.

[If I could include audio here, I would now insert a sample from The Fifth
Element where Leeloo (Milla Jovovich) irresistibly pleads for help. ;-)

It would be very useful for bringing in MONEY to do cool projects.... Also,
>of course, it would help us to have some influence over politicians, perhaps
>causing there to be slightly fewer stupidly restrictive laws in the short

You will be hearing something along these lines at Extro-5 and afterwards.
In the meantime, feedback (public or private) on enhancing our image would
be very helpful.




Max More, Ph.D.
Futurist, Speaker, Consultant. or

President, Extropy Institute.
Chair, 06.15.01, Extro-5: Shaping Things to Come,

Senior Content Architect, ManyWorlds Inc.:
"The Premier Business Strategy Source"

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