RE: Norman Spinrad on THE SPIKE

From: Ben Goertzel (
Date: Mon Jun 04 2001 - 20:50:41 MDT

> Strange. I found his criticisms spot on. People are in denial here if
> they don't see that Extropian looks rather odd, cult like and even new
> agey to outsiders. There's a lot of groupthink that goes on here.

Indeed. I've made this point many times on this list, finding each time a
rather mixed reception

I started a thread about 2 months ago on the topic of what Extropians could
do to make the mainstream of culture respect them and listen to them more.
Some OK ideas were generated. But it turns out that most of us are more
interesting in thinking and doing interesting stuff than in being respected
by the mainstream ;>

One frustrating thing for those of us with human egos is that when extropian
ideas do become mainstream, it will likely be new people outside the
extropian community who are given credit for them in the popular eyes.

> I
> > suspect that
> > people like Spinrad, though talented, have ceased to monitor
> > science and
> > technology, for many years.
> >
> > Mitch

I think it is extremely unlikely that Norman Spinrad has ceased to monitor
science and technology.

I know that for many years I monitored science and technology very carefully
while ignoring extropy and related cultural phenomena, due to my general
lack of regard for libertarian politics


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