Adventurous geneticist or bioinformaticist wanted...

From: Ben Goertzel (
Date: Fri Jun 01 2001 - 18:48:47 MDT

Hi all,

One of the several avenues I'm exploring in trying to find a way to fund
Webmind AI research on an ongoing basis is *bioinformatics*

I believe that the Webmind AI Engine can provide an unprecedentedly
way of processing gene and protein expression data as produced by
experiments with microarrays (DNA chips, spotted microarrays, etc.),
more general functional information about genomes and proteomes as

I've created a business plan for a proposed start-up company in this
But one thing looks weird about this plan: All of us cofounders are
science people, none of us are biologists. I happen to know a fair bit
about bioinformatics, but I'm not truly an expert.

So what I'm looking for is a bioinformatics expert with a strong
background who is interested in being involved with an AI/bioinformatics
startup. Basically all I need from this person at present is: some
the ability to list you on a business plan, and to summon you for VC
meetings as (if ;) they're set up....

Any such folks on this list? Or, if any of you knows someone who might
the bill, please pass my request along to them.

ben goertzel

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