Re: nuclear power

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Jun 02 2001 - 00:41:08 MDT

Anne Marie Tobias wrote:
> Unfortunately... once you leave the laboratory... you enter the
> world of business and politics. As soon as you have a powerful
> organization that has a powerful commitment to the way things
> are (because it has that game wired), and it has as resources
> the political engine (the best government money can buy), and
> wallstreet, the opinion making machine... (US TODAY and
> CNN the great mental homoginizers...), you can't be terribly
> surprised that what happens in the lab, is not what happens in
> the real world. We had ultra high efficiency, thin film plastic
> solar cells in the lab at Carnegie Mellon three years ago. Where
> are they? You think GE, and the fossil fuel guys are gonna let
> that one by without messing with it? We have plastic batteries,
> high charge density, low weight, non toxic, plastic batteries.
> Where are they? Why aren't they in hybrid cars right this very
> moment?

Uh, because the technology is not yet mature and power efficient
and scalable enough?

> Why did the energy crisis suddenly blossom, when
> fossil fuels strongest advocate entered the white house? Why

Any fool with a calculator and basic math could see California
was in for energy chaos at some point. You can't blame
everything on da Bush.

> is that man unwilling to give California representatives more
> than 20 minutes of his time... The largest economic engine in
> the country, and the president won't talk to the governor...
> What's wrong with this picture.

Uh, it is unbelievable because it would be political suicide?

> You're being teased all right, but has nothing to do with the
> guys in the labs...
> As long as there is more profit in being stupid, why would'nt
> you ever expect the people in power to do all they can to kill
> the smart. It's just good business.

Uh, because you live in this world and in this world the
relative wealth and well-being of the economy and others does
have a direct impact on your own wealth and well-being? Killing
the smart is neither smart, profitable or "good business".

- samantha

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