Re: nuclear power

Date: Fri Jun 01 2001 - 20:39:38 MDT

In a message dated 6/1/2001 7:30:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Why aren't they in hybrid cars right this very
 moment? >>
Both Nissan and Toyota have hybrid gasoline vehicles available now.

<<We had ultra high efficiency, thin film plastic
solar cells in the lab at Carnegie Mellon three years ago. Where
are they? You think GE, and the fossil fuel guys are gonna let
that one by without messing with it?>>

Look, Japan or Brazil or India are places that have invested in different
energy policies then ours, and where even the Oil companies and GE have
limited influence, despite their deep pockets. The amount of cash going out
to purchase OPEC oil is larger then any successful, mass-bribe of executives
and politicians in these countries, or our country. My guess is that plastic
battery and thin-film photovoltaics are either too expensive to market, or
are susceptible to fragility and damage, outside of the lab.

On photovoltaics, have you ever consider what cold weather/hot weather,
lightning e-m-p, snow covering, dust and pollen, and Even bird droppings and
roostings, would do to such material?? At the least, it would temporarily
cut the power. It might also wreck the whole power source, so the users would
be back on the grid. Can thin-film, or poly-chrystaline, or amorphous
photovoltaics stand up to "nature"? What about windstorms "Hey no PV power
allowed in the trailer park Yankee!"

<<Why did the energy crisis suddenly blossom, when
fossil fuels strongest advocate entered the white house? Why
is that man unwilling to give California representatives more
than 20 minutes of his time... The largest economic engine in
the country, and the president won't talk to the governor...
What's wrong with this picture.>>

Mark, because he's a dick, and I did not vote for him; although he may be
slightly, better then Billy, because he knows where he stands.

I hold that its the journalists, and actors and a few politicians who have
sold the public that solar (or whatever) is viable, rather then have
scientists, engineers, economists, prove these technologies in public
demonstration projects. Another guess is that if this technology was
currently usable, as a product, then Japan Inc. would be selling Solar/Fuel
Cell units to the USA, and pocketing the money to purchase Russky oil for


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