Re: uploading and the survival hang-up

From: Brent Allsop (
Date: Fri Jun 01 2001 - 16:21:28 MDT

From: "Harvey Newstrom" <>

> Evidence, please? Just because they look alike and have similar or
> exact structures does not mean that thoughts from one brain are
> telepathically appearing in the other brain. If they are not
> physically connected or have a wireless network link between them,
> they are not connected. How can data transfer from one to the
> other? As soon as the copy is completed and the link disconnected,
> they will instantly diverge and start acting like different people
> with identical bodies and personalities. If you whisper a question
> in one's ear, the other will not answer.

        Ooops sorry, I miscomunicated.

        I'm talking about two brains that do have a vey high bandwidth
connection. On that allows almost every neuron in on brain to
comunicate with every neuron in the other... pluss some supper brain
stuff that enable the supper consciousness to be aware of everything
at the same time. In other words, you would be like you have 4 ears.
When someone wispered in one ear, you could use either mouth you
wanted to reply.

> No, I don't think. I would love to see this happen, but I need more details
> than "a miracle occurs...."

        Of course we don't YET know how to do this, but what makes
you think that things like this will be commonplace some day?

> I want both the original and copy to survive the procedure. Then I
> want to be able to ask them if they want to kill the original. The
> copy might say, "Sure, go ahead, I've been teleported over here."
> But the original will say, "No way, nothing happened. I'm still in
> my old body. I don't know who is in that new body over there."

        Again, if the two were joined, via some high bandwidh
comunication channels, perhaps like our own corpus collusom which
connects our brain hemispheres?) into one supper consciousness
(i.e. they had 4 eyes, two mouths... in fact two complete bodies all
of which the one supper consciousness was completely aware of...)

        Of course you'd be unhappy to lose half of yourself, just as
we'd be unahpy to loose a hemisphere of our brain. But if it was only
a small portion of your brain, and you knew it was going to be
replaced with 5 or 6 supper enhanced and expanded versions....

                Brent Allsop

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