Re: uploads, identity, etc

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Fri Jun 01 2001 - 03:38:15 MDT

On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Smigrodzki, Rafal wrote:

> We have an extensive array of circuitry used to answer questions about
> what is "true" - the logical, mathematical and scientific reasoning,
> which leads many of us to conclude that an upload, or spawn, or copy
> is, for all practical purposes, the same as the original, except that
> its spatial coordinates are different. Then there is the "personality"

Spatial coordinates are irrelevant, as long as "same input at full sync"
boundary condition is maintained. Because of this preservation of identity
only occurs in fully deterministic (including hardware bit flip
correction) numerical models, it is rather irrelvant in practice.

No problem with destructive copy, as the original you is dead, anyway,
definitely a problem if you make several full state clones, or read out a
sufficiently accurate model in vivo, without destroying the original.

The fact (that you now have two different persona on your hand) is quite
apparent, and in my ethical system the decision what to do is in the hands
of the clones alone. Some might object to one of them being terminated, or
a superposition of both be constructed, some would object.

I personally would object to being terminated (don't try that with me
buddy), I might or might not object to being fused, depending in time
delta and hence the fork amplitude.

> part of our brain which tells me to keep a cookie for the
> "myself-tomorrow" but avoid giving it to a perfect copy of myself, if
> he was sitting next to me right now. Both reasoning subsystems are

You sitting near to you wouldn't be you anymore, assuming we're talking
about full state clones resumed in physical space.

> The only sure prediction I could derive from these musings is that the
> future is likely to be mighty interesting to live in, as all
> Extropians know anyway.


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