Re: uploading and the survival hang-up

From: Brent Allsop (
Date: Thu May 31 2001 - 09:36:25 MDT

Lee Corbin <> responded to Ledwith:

> >Well, I figure that most people who would make a first copy do so
> >with the intent of transference to a more permanent substrate, in
> >addition to enhanced abilities. So there's no reason to leave the
> >original around when the other 'you' will be able to accomplish so
> >much more.

> Why should the original perish? Is it in great agony or something?
> Why can't you (the original) also go on to enjoy life even as you
> (the uploaded duplicate) also enjoy your new circumstances?

        It wouldn't be in any agony, but it wouldn't be satisfied
being stuck all alone in the primitive very limited isolated ineffable
world of it's awareness inside its lonely skull either. Surely it
would eventually want to enhance and expand its world of conscious
awareness. Surely it'd like to gain the ability to link and expand
its world of awareness to include direct duplicate experiences of
those of it's uploaded self (and the rest of the world), so it could
eff and be directly aware of some of the same phenomenal experiences.

        Think about it, could you be satisfied with our very low
resolution, very limited sort of 2-1/2 D visual awareness with only 3
primary colors...? Wonder if you knew you could instead upgrade
yourself to have fully 3D conscious awareness (able to be visually
aware of the back sides of 3D objects, either via memory/simulation or
via input from another visual data source on the other side of the
object) at 1000 times the resolution (you wouldn't need a microscope)
with hundreds of thousands of times the extents (you could comprehend
in fully 3D ways, the distance between the moon, sun, and stars you
were looking at, rather than it being as if they were flat cut outs
pasted on the sky all apparently the same measly few miles away....)
And wonder if you had 16 diverse primary color qualia or more to
represent a much larger portion of the electromagnetic spectrum....
Not to mention the ability to eff and share all these greatly enhanced
subjective experiences with the rest of the world.... Some of these
phenomenal things being just for starters!

        I don't just want to be "uploaded" and to discard my old self.
I don't want just mere old non phenomenal abstract computer
representations of knowledge, for which how it is represented doesn't
matter. I want fully phenomenal, greatly enhanced, and effable
("spirit", if you will) worlds. I want to enhance, remember, and take
the old "me" that is my phenomenal conscious knowledge of myself, up
with everything else.

        Brent, "Oh !THATS! what salt tastes like." Allsop

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