Re: uploading and the survival hang-up

Date: Wed May 30 2001 - 23:15:31 MDT

In a message dated 5/31/2001 12:08:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Why should the original perish? Is it in great agony or
 something? Why can't you (the original) also go on to
 enjoy life even as you (the uploaded duplicate) also
 enjoy your new circumstances?
 Lee Corbin >>
My preference is that one could use such a technology to extend someone's'
lifetime, to eons, if they needed and desired it. Hence, my stipulation (and
apparently, Chris Ledwiths') that the original being, be deceased, and the
continuer have the identical thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, personality,
experienced by the original, to the point of loss of consciousness. It may
even be essential for the "copy" to be copied right down to 'the 'quantum'
state of the original. I would hope (like I have a choice?) that the copy
actually be that "person".

For me, unless they are producing a new society from the same identical
(as suggested in Saucer Wisdom by Rudy Rucker), I am concerned that these
copies are merely, a kind of narcissism. Seems to me that children,
biological or adopted, are better to carry on family traditions then clones.
Call it, my taste.


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