Re: Progress: What does it mean to you?

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon May 28 2001 - 23:57:39 MDT

Lee Corbin wrote:

> First, anyone who again **changes** as much as he or she has
> already changed since they were one-fourth inch long, will be dead.
> You will be as dead as that fetus is dead. So if you evolve into
> a vast incredibly advanced creature that in no way resembles humans,
> and that's all you do, then you die.
> The solution: run multiple copies of yourself in the background
> from each stage of your development. Anticipate being all those
> who are not too advanced. Leave it to the slightly more advanced
> versions of yourself to try to identify with those that are
> extremely advanced, because you won't be able to.
> But even so, your question makes sense for, say, the 2005 version
> of Lee Corbin. How will he become as great as he can be (yet
> still be the same person) and adapt? You're the expert. You
> tell us. :-)

I haven't any great desire to stay the same person for very
long. What on earth (or off it) for? Change is intensely
fun. Do I mourn the fetus I used to be or it me? Of course

Change is not death, it is change. It is growth/transformation.
Being ossified on one form in the flow of being and becoming is
much more deadly.

I suspect that as we advance we will be more able to see/be
through multiple self/sentient packagings at once. I suspect we
will far less identify with one packaging. I suspect we will
need to evolve this ability.

What does progress mean to me?

It means freedom from boredom, freedom from my best not being
wanted because it might be too different from what the "market"
wants or might be threatening to my boss or my co-workers or is
not inline with reaping maximum profits this quarter. It means
an end of working for a living and the beginning of working for
the joy of creation itself for all of us. It means being able
to think new and ever more wondrous thoughts, to explore ever
more things, to create and love ever more and ever more deeply.

It means healing much of the pain of this life, this self, this
society, this species, this world. It means wide-open vistas
where there was so much limitation. It means the possibility of
an end to the fear-based social patterns and institutions, to
the politics of envy and greed. It opens the doors to creating
great Joy that washes away the old scarcity based, fear-fueled
littleness and pain as if it never was.

- samantha

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