Re: Hate mail anyone?

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Wed May 23 2001 - 21:16:34 MDT

On Wednesday, May 23, 2001 2:42 PM Amara Graps wrote:
> >Normally, I do not forward personal emails, but this is the first time
> >ever received something I'd classify as hate mail.
> It's pretty shocking when it happens, isn't it?

Sure is.

> The most vitriol email I received was from a teenager last October who
> apparently expected a response from me, from an earlier message (I think
> I was actually on travel when she sent it). Also during the last year or
> I rarely answer email from strangers due to huge constraints on my time,
> money, typing hands, etc, therefore I placed messages all over my Web
> site stating I rarely answer email.
> Apparently the girl was upset with me ... she went on for a full
> paragraph calling me a "self-serving bitch", and many other names. Hard
> to believe and hard to shield oneself psychologically from junk like that.
> I have alot of disappointments from Internet the last years, and that
> venomous message added to the pile of my disappointments.

I can understand being upset at that. I'm also a lot more afraid of someone
threatening someone and attempting to carry it out. The hate mail to me
seems to threaten me, though the writer watered it down enough to make it


Daniel Ust

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