Re: Taliban update

From: Chuck Kuecker (
Date: Wed May 23 2001 - 06:04:33 MDT

At 11:21 PM 5/22/01 -0700, you wrote:
>about what to do?
>about this?
>Are you an Afgani?
>if you are .. MOVE!
>Get the * out of Dodge
>if you aren't... what do you care?

Two points -

Remember World War II? Lots of affected persons were not allowed to leave.
The rest of the world pretty much ignored what Hitler and his government
was doing.

Are "different" people allowed to leave Afghanistan?

Another WWII parallel - does the Taliban have any ambitions toward
reforming OTHER Islamic areas? To some extent, what happens there affects
all of us - as it did with their destruction of irreplaceable historical
religious statues.

Other countries are quick to condemn America for our political system and
some of our freedoms (notice I did not use that "G" word). Someone should
speak up about this situation. So far, I see nothing but straight reporting
by US media, at least.

It's ultimately up to the Afghanis to change their own government, but
giving the people who would make the changes moral support from the rest of
the world can only help.

Chuck Kuecker

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