US Likely To Oppose Biowar Compliance Protocol

From: John Marlow (
Date: Sat May 19 2001 - 23:01:25 MDT

So--biological enhancements will it seems be outlawed for now--and
weapons will not. Three cheers for government.

Paper: U.S. Urged to Pull Back on Germ Warfare Pact 
Updated 11:25 PM ET May 19, 2001 
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Bush administration review is recommending the 
United States not support a draft agreement to enforce an 
international treaty banning biological weapons, Sunday's New York 
Times reports, quoting an unidentified senior official. 
In a unanimous review, the paper says the Bush administration 
interagency team concluded that the current version of the protocol 
would be inefficient in stopping cheating, and that all its 
deficiencies could not be remedied by the negotiating deadline. 
``The review says that the protocol would not be of much value in 
catching potential proliferators,'' the paper quoted the senior 
American official as saying. 
The Times says the proposal is bound to pose sensitive diplomatic 
problems and upset allies who back the draft accord and who believe 
the administration is focusing on new military programs at the 
expense of treaties and nonproliferation. 
After six years of negotiations, diplomats in Geneva have produced 
the draft agreement, known as a protocol, which would establish 
measures to monitor the ban on biological weapons, and hope to 
complete the pact by November. 
A 1972 treaty, which 143 nations have ratified, prohibits the 
development, production and possession of biological weapons. But the 
treaty has always lacked a means of verifying compliance. 
Hungarian diplomat Tibor Toth, who has been overseeing protocol 
negotiations, will be in Washington next week to see if he can get 
Bush administration officials to change their mind, the paper said. 
``If the world community fails to agree on a protocol to strengthen 
the ban on biological weapons after six years of talks, it will send 
a very unfortunate message,'' The Times quotes Toth as saying. 
President Bush heads to Europe next month, his administration already 
under fire from allies for steering too unilateralist a course on 
foreign policy by backing away from the Kyoto accords on global 
warming and, to a lesser extent, the 1972 Antiballistic Missile 
John Marlow

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