Re: We are all X now

From: KPJ (
Date: Fri May 18 2001 - 06:38:58 MDT

It appears as if Lee Corbin <> wrote:
|At 03:23 PM 5/17/01 +0200, you wrote:
|>It appears as if Lee Corbin <> wrote:
|Uh, why only "appears"?  What is there to doubt? 
|(Thanks, again).

On the Internet, anybody can fake e-mail messages. In fact, the only thing
reasonable certain about the message above is the following:

Received: from ([])
        by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id BAA21163
        for <>; Fri, 18 May 2001 01:15:28 +0200 (MET DST)
        env-to (<>)
        env-from (

which means a host [] contacted the local mail server, said
the message came from <> for <>.
Anybody can trivially easy fake the rest of the message.

But the message _appears_ to contain a message for the Extropians Mailing
List from some entity calling itself ``Lee Corbin <>''.
So when I quote, I as much, since I know that and nothing more for certain.

|>|Where else in our culture did someone say
|>|"We are all X now." Anybody recall?

As you can see, you state that I <> wrote the above.
But I dod not. Your Eudora (e-mail client) did that.

It added the ``<a href=....>'' and ``</a>'' which I did not write,
in effect making part of the text into an URL, a dubious practice.
This practice allows for e.g. tracing anybody on the mailing list
who reads that e-mail with a Windows or Macintosh e-mail reader
online. By adding a <IMG SRC="...."> tag, many mail readers look
up the image which can be logged by the site. Caveat lector.

Could you try to send text in plain text instead of only HTML?

<IMG SRC="">


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