Re: tech miracles of the year 2000 as seen from 1950

Date: Wed May 16 2001 - 16:38:09 MDT wrote:

> Ah! Eugene! Thee has the first sign of thee Vulcan Mating Fever. Thee blood
> burns Eugene, Thee eyes burn, Its Amok Time for you, fella!

My name is Inigo Montoya. You kill -9 my parent process. Prepare to vi.
> Have you noticed that in the science fiction pulp mags, as well as books, its
> scarcely much better? The printed word isn't so expensive like silicon
> graphics special effects are, hence the Trek "cosmos" stuff is always a 'work
> around,' and has always been thus.

The problem is not special effects. They have plenty of that, and in fact could
do with a lot less. The problem is to hire decent technical advisers, and *listen*
to what they're saying. (Provided, you're a perfectionist, and intend to satisfy
both the 100 ppm geeks as well as the average global village idiot. Otherwise,
disregard this fortune cookie).
> Producers, being full members of the privileged class, will probably control
> the nanotech revolution, Eugene, as Drexler hinted at. Power comes to money,
> most times.

Open source designs. Not necessarily a silver bullet, but a veritable pocket
tactical nuke.

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