Re: computer chess

From: Randy Smith (
Date: Mon May 14 2001 - 05:52:01 MDT

Regarding earlier comments made that computers were beating grandmasters on
a regular basis, I searched Usenet archives for the opinions of chess
players re this idea, and they seemed to agree that no, generally,
grandmasters were not usually beaten by software. Also, there were many
players, usually not the very top players, but very good players,
nonetheless, whose *specialty* was beating computers, and that those players
almost always beat the computer.

However, most good players usually lose to the best software, and of course,
time, algorithms, and hardware march on....

One prescient Usenet comment remarked on how a chess tournament was recently
won by a computer brought in by the Dutch team, and the poster asked, well,
if they can win a tournament using a computer, what's next for the Dutch,
winning the Olympics shotput competition by bringing in a cannon?

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