Re: Letter to LDS Church Re: cryonics

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 05:35:03 MDT

torsdagen den 10 maj 2001 06:48 Brent Allsop wrote:
> Has anyone else ever attempted something like this? I'd be
> interrested in hearing any feedback anyone might have, on my intention
> of asking this of my LDS bishop.

An interesting approach, good luck with it!

Just a few notes: you mention both cryonics and extropians in the first
paragraph. Does you bishop understand what you mena with these terms?

You also use the term "eternal life". Wouldn't that be misinterpreted in this
religious context? Wouldn't "life extension" or "increased lifespan" make
more sense with less risk of misunderstanding?

The note about the UU church was a nice touch - that introduces a bit of
eccleastical competition. Overall the apporach of suggesting that the LDS
could take a good stance seems to work fine, but you might want to re-word
the section about terrorism - that is bound to cause antagonism towards your

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