RE: Diminishing degrees of separation

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Wed May 09 2001 - 09:25:54 MDT

Jim Fehlinger wrote,
> His name is Perry Metzger.

Yes, Perry Metzger founded this very list. He is still active on the local
list for his region and participates in dinner get-togethers. I know this
because I frequent the various regional Extropian lists wishing I were
closer to *anybody*.

He did not drop out of the list as much as he specialized and went on to
bigger and better things. Perry was one of the motivating factors in the
early days. He definitely shaped the early Libertarian view of the list,
and personally performed most of the work. He maintained the list well, and
managed to experiment with PPL, anarchy, and decentralized control without
resorting to dictatorship. He also maintained a "no arguing over the
basics" policy which kept the noise level down and diverted recurring
nonsolveable conversations off-list.

This list owes a lot to Perry Metzger.

Harvey Newstrom <> <>

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