NEWS: Information Week on Ellison, anti-aging, ExI mention

From: Max More (
Date: Sun May 06 2001 - 23:36:17 MDT

Hmm, I'm mentioned in the same paragraph as Bill Gates and Larry Ellison.
Clearly this is an omen portending that one day I am going to be *really*
rich. ;-)

Oracle CEO Funds Age-Control Research

If the best way to beat your enemies is to outlive them, then that may
explain one of Larry Ellison's favorite investment projects: side-stepping
the Grim Reaper. The Oracle CEO is one of the largest private supporters of
research to control aging, investing millions toward the cause via his
Ellison Medical Foundation.

Bill Gates has also invested millions in biotech, but his funding seems to
be more focused on curing disease, says Max More, president of the Extropy
Institute: "Ellison is more interested in funding research for dramatic
extension of the human life span." One Ellison Medical Foundation grant
went to a University of Idaho researcher who's studying the longevity of
birds, which can live six times longer than mice, even with similar
metabolism and body size.

And the last paragraph is at:


Max More, Ph.D. or
President, Extropy Institute.
Senior Content Architect, ManyWorlds Inc.:
Chair, Extro-5: Shaping Things to Come,

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