Re: Alcor on KRON

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Fri May 04 2001 - 02:57:36 MDT

On Fri, 4 May 2001, Max More wrote:

> Once cryonics becomes normal practice, we can turn out attention more
> towards other areas that need work. Spike, as an extropian, parts of

Max, cryonics needs an amazingly long way to go to become normal practice.
Any business conducted by so flaky methods and any medical field as
unvalidated and full of malpractice (if not regular voodoo) as cryonics is
extremely off-putting. I guess what saves it is that people don't want to
know, or like to trust authority figures.

I have also a mixed feeling about Merkle speaking pro cryonics. Sure, he's
wielding the big molecular-level reconstruction stick, but he has no
answers as to amount of information erasure during freezing or
vitrification. It is good no one is asking the hard questions yet, but
this period of respite is not infinite.

By the time these questions are being asked (not on prime time TV, but on
conferences) it would be the smart thing to know, and be ready to cite
chapter and verse on slightest provocation. It would do best to start
stockpiling the ammo now.

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