From: Emlyn (
Date: Thu May 03 2001 - 06:56:12 MDT

Awesome show. Who were the four people on the panel? Sean Williams, the
uniting church woman, and two very sensible looking and quite articulate men
(Damien will kick my bum for not remembering who they were), who were
extremely pro life extension, and super-duper-tech in general. Speaking to
all the periodic grumbling on-list about the poor PR of the issues we hold
dear, I would hold this show up as a model of how to address that problem.
My only grizzle was the gee-whiz factor that went with the show, but then,
perhaps most viewers haven't spent every day for the past couple of years
yacking about the subject. Slackers!

Emlyn James O'Regan - Managing Director
Wizards of AU
"Australian IT Wizards - US Technology Leaders
Pure International Teleworking in the Global Economy"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Damien Broderick" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 9:36 PM

> Premiere ep of the new Aussie futurist/pop sci program AFTERSHOCK appeared
> tonite, on the topic of technologically-mediated human immortality,
> cunningly scheduled against ER and X FILES for minimal audience uptake.
> Prominent people interviewed were our own Dr Nick Bostrom, and Prof
> Elizabeth Blackburn of telomerase fame (providing a more optimistic spin
> drastic life extension than she was prepared to give me a couple of years
> ago for LAST MORTAL GENERATION). It looked quite good, despite frantic
> zip-attention-span graphic interrupts, and most people said sensible
> (aside from the token Uniting Church woman minister who vacuously
> that we should be very, very careful about doing anything as, like,
> lethally dangerous as stopping death).
> My turn in the barrel next week, on nano.
> Damien Broderick

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