Re: META: To my fellow Extropians, calc your ERA

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Wed May 02 2001 - 20:13:46 MDT

> Spike Jones wrote:
> > you will not be placed in the matrix unless you ask
> > to be in it. Should we mask individual's ratings to
> > keep them secret?...
> >
> > Who wants to play? I do! Anders? Brian?

Adrian Tymes wrote:

> I'll take a whack at it, if only because the first thought that crossed
> my mind upon reading this was, "So how does one hack it?"
> First hack: insert entries for phantom/nonexistant people, or only care
> about a few people and use everyone else as "phantoms".

Ja, and I overlooked a good way to test the routine before
anyone is entered. Look thru the archives and collect old
posts from about 4 years ago, so that we would make up a
sort of pseudo-post-day. The posts from back then would
be uninfluenced by the knowledge that they were being rated.
We could remove the actual names from the posts, for many
of the people who posted then are still with us. I suspect my
own posts from 4 yrs ago are even goofier than the current
ones. So heres the plot:

1. Get a group of posts from this day in 1996 or 1997.

2. Replace all the names with pseudonyms.

3. Everything is open for this round. Each of the players chooses
one or more of the pseudonyms, to be this person(s) temporarily.

4. Then each person would rate all the posts in that day's
list, average the rating and enter the number in the appropriate

I guess we would need to choose a day in history so we
would know how many posters we have and also the number
of players. Four have posted me offlist that they want to play.

I propose 1 May 1997, since (I think) that was just before
extro3. Was it? Has anyone a link to some archives? spike

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