META: Posting news [was: Re: NANO: IBM breakthrough for making chips with nanotubes]

From: J Corbally (
Date: Wed May 02 2001 - 13:48:23 MDT

>Date: Tue, 01 May 2001 09:24:56 -0700
>From: Max More <>
>Subject: META: Posting news [was: Re: NANO: IBM breakthrough for making
>chips with nanotubes]
>At 08:07 AM 5/1/01, Technotranscendence/Daniel wrote:
> >This came out yesterday. I'm surprised no one on the list posted it.
> >Anyhoo, I think this is the way nanotech will take off -- i.e., by
> >applications that are mundane and not really directly nanoassembler related.
>I posted two or three news items yesterday, and enjoy it when others do so.
>Thanks for posting this one, Daniel. I didn't post it partly because I was
>in work mode and partly because it seemed like an interesting but
>incremental breakthrough.
>I'm curious to know if most List subscribers like to see alerts to
>important developments posted to the List. I am assuming they do. Feedback
>on this is welcome. In the absence of substantial feedback, I will continue
>posting these kinds of items and encourage others to do so. It adds plenty
>of signal.
Personally, I think it's one of the good things about this list, as some of
the items are those that I would otherwise miss, and it also helps to start
off debates about current technological issues, scotching most claims that
we are too "future-focussed".

So my stance on this issue is that I will continue to post to this list
items of news I see as useful and informative to the group, until such time
as everyone screams at me to stop it.

On the topic of news items:)

Found this on the Beeb font-of-all-knowledge-site;

Anti-ageing breakthrough

A breakthrough in gene technology holds out the prospect of a more
effective anti-ageing treatment.
It may also lead to new treatments to fight cancer.
Scientists from Newcastle University have found a way to enhance the body's
natural repair mechanism.

Perhaps when people see more items like this, esp. when linked to
"treatments to fight cancer", they will begin to warm to
superlongevity? I'd say most people would. They just don't realize it yet.


"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and
crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures
to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid."
-Q, Star Trek:TNG episode 'Q Who'

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