Re: META: Posting news [was: Re: NANO: IBM breakthrough for making chips with nanotubes]

From: John Marlow (
Date: Tue May 01 2001 - 11:31:27 MDT

Me, I like to see 'em.

Actually didn't post the dog thing because someone had complained
about news item posts. Silly me. Guess it depends on one's definition
of "important developments."

Keep 'em coming!


On 1 May 2001, at 9:24, Max More wrote:

> At 08:07 AM 5/1/01, Technotranscendence/Daniel wrote:
> >This came out yesterday. I'm surprised no one on the list posted it.
> >Anyhoo, I think this is the way nanotech will take off -- i.e., by
> >applications that are mundane and not really directly nanoassembler related.
> I posted two or three news items yesterday, and enjoy it when others do so.
> Thanks for posting this one, Daniel. I didn't post it partly because I was
> in work mode and partly because it seemed like an interesting but
> incremental breakthrough.
> I'm curious to know if most List subscribers like to see alerts to
> important developments posted to the List. I am assuming they do. Feedback
> on this is welcome. In the absence of substantial feedback, I will continue
> posting these kinds of items and encourage others to do so. It adds plenty
> of signal.
> Onward!
> Max
> _______________________________________________________
> Max More, Ph.D.
> or
> President, Extropy Institute.
> Senior Content Architect, ManyWorlds Inc.:
> Chair, Extro-5: Shaping Things to Come,
> _______________________________________________________

John Marlow

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