ENVIRO/TECH: Much cleaner cars

From: Max More (max@maxmore.com)
Date: Mon Apr 30 2001 - 13:30:08 MDT

Chalk up another one for extropic environmentalism:

"When you warm up your car, only one in five injected gas molecules
actually combusts and delivers power. The rest puddle up and evaporate,
resulting in excessive emissions of hydrocarbons. The solution—a special
fuel designed to burn efficiently during warmup—was developed years ago,
but car manufacturers decided it wasn't practical to expect consumers to
keep two tanks filled with different fuels. Now, engineers at the
University of Texas and Ford Motor have devised a way to distill the
special "warmup" gas from standard gasoline within the engine itself. The
system, which could reduce auto emissions by over 50 percent and
carcinogenic toxins by 80 percent, should be available within four years.
"—E. Brown



Max More, Ph.D.
max@maxmore.com or more@extropy.org
President, Extropy Institute. www.extropy.org
Senior Content Architect, ManyWorlds Inc.: www.manyworlds.com
Chair, Extro-5: Shaping Things to Come, www.extropy.org/ex5/extro5.htm

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