Vacum Tubes was: Made in China

From: John Clark (
Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 13:47:32 MDT

 Brian D Williams <> Wrote:

> As any high end stereophile can tell you, tubes can do things
> neither transistors nor integrated circuits can do

So they claim, but test instruments can't detect the wonderful things vacuum
tubes are supposed to do, I certainly can't hear it, and even those of the golden
ear don't do very well in double blind experiments. I think it's a case of "this 30 watt
class A mono tube amplifier cost $5000 so it must sound better than this $50 transistor
amplifier from Radio Shack". But perhaps not.

> Those boxes proved highly resistant to conventional ECM protocols,

I don't see why it would be more resistant to electronic counter measures, ok it might be
a little easier to protect against a nuclear electromagnetic pulse but a steam engine would
be even tougher but that's no reason to put one on a modern fighter plane.

Eugene Leitl <>

>Chances are we'll see use of (low voltage emitter, since nanotube electron
>emission enhanced) use MEMS-fabricated vacuum tubes for special purposes.

Yes, that is a interesting technology, vacuum tubes could make a come back someday,
but I don't think that's what the USSR had in 1975.

>I wonder why they didn't have hardware self-destruct (cases lined with
>thin plastique sheets, nonvolatile storage mounted in thermite boxes),
>and had to resort to archaic (pick-axe) destruction methods.

If I was in a aircraft that was already damaged and dropping like a rock setting off a
thermite bomb inside my crippled craft wouldn't be a happy prospect. The most
important thing is the software anyway and that's easy to safely erase, if you have
time after that just grab an axe. It works and it's safe.

John K Clark

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