Re: New large cryonics facility/theme park planned

From: Randy Smith (
Date: Sun Apr 22 2001 - 21:34:28 MDT

>From: "E. Shaun Russell"
>Subject: Re: New large cryonics facility/theme park planned
>Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 19:03:00 -0700 (PDT)
>Randy Smith wrote:
> >Although the Timeship would not be as good for cryonics as $100 M pumped
> >into research, it might do the trick anyway. These people are very much
> >interested in making cryonics work, and one way is as good as another. So if
> >we can get the funding, I say let's build the temple, and develop a pseudo
> >religion, if need be; and the money from dues will come in, and we can spend
> >that on research.
>I think there is a fundamental difference in viewpoints here. First of all,
>let me say that I don't think that TimeShip is doing this. That said, the
>notion of "one way is as good as another" is quite contemptable to me.
>There is, and should be, a certain level of integrity which should be
>maintained when dealing with the issue of cryonics. While it is true that
>making it a "religious temple" would popularize the field as well as bring
>in more money, it would sacrifice far more in the capital of integrity and
>morality than it would gain in monetary returns. In any business dealing I
>have had so far I have found it immensely important to maintain a level of
>integrity and credibility. In my current venture, that remains true.
>Though I cannot truly emphasize in words how deeply the concept of "selling
>out for the sake of progress" bothers me (and this isn't a condemnation of
>anyone, but a notion I have observed countless times in the past and
>present), suffice it to say that I would rather see all cryonics
>organizations go belly-up (and the same is true of any technology) than see
>them compromise their integrity and credibility for the sake of gaining new
>members or even furthering the science itself. The idea is to market
>cryonics effectively *without* trying to make it something it isn't.
>What it is is a possible alternative to death; one which presents a chance
>for extended life that is by no means certain. The only faith involved is
>the faith (or rather, hope) that technology will advance to such a point as
>to molecularly reconstruct damaged neural (and in some cases, visceral)
>matter. To put it across as anything else would be deceitful, and though
>"morality" is a subjective concept, it would generally be immoral as well.
>If we can't present something for what it is, then why should we pretend it
>is something it isn't?
Umm, because you're try to get a bunch of superstitious primates to buy into an idea, an idea that might save our lives. And yes, the end does justify the means.

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