Re: PLUG: Extropian Music:! On Leaving, album by The Land Canaan, now available.

From: Emlyn (
Date: Sat Apr 21 2001 - 19:22:48 MDT

> > 1 gram of computronium to Ziana!
> >
> > (did I already tell you that, Ziana? Or have you got
> > the same excellent musical taste that I do? Or just
> > a lord-of-the-google?)
> Heh... you hadn't told me... I actually had that CD on the desk next to me

Wow... that's really bizarre. I thought it had faded into fairly irrevocable
obscurity. I've lost since lost my lp of it, which annoys me no end; I've
got all the rest of my 80s metal albums (if you can call WASP that). D'oh.

Just a quick question... why is that on your desk?

(here's the link again... )

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