PLUG: Extropian Music:! On Leaving, album by The Land Canaan, now available.

From: Emlyn (
Date: Sat Apr 21 2001 - 05:49:43 MDT

Hi all,

Some of you might remember that a way back, I mentioned the band "The Land
Canaan" (myself & my wife, Jodie) on the list... thanks for the positive
responses from many of you.

Finally, the album is available! It's called "On leaving", and it's
available *exclusively* through

You can download all the tracks, or you can be lovely and buy the CD. I'll
make a list of all purchasers, and if I upload first, I'll bring you all
with me. That's got to be worth a few ducats :-) Plus there's a beautiful
image of the Whirlpool galaxy on the cover. If enough people shell out cash,
you might even make it to extro5, where you might easily convince me to hum
you a few bars :-)

Anyone who has positive comments about the album, please don't feel that you
have to send them to me privately... I'm not too shy to accept public
endorsement and praise. OTOH, if you don't like it, you are more than
welcome to keep that to yourself.


btw - Many of you will click with our only "cover" song (much altered!),
Wild Child. 1 gram of computronium goes to the first person who can work out
the original band & song (please allow some decades for delivery). I've
included the lyrics below (which are modified from the original a tad); all
lyrics for the album are available at the link above, and inside the cd

Communication Channel Open
Data Transfer Begins
... 30% complete ...
... 70% complete ...
Channel Closed
!!Anomaly Detected!!
Level 2 Scan - Initiated
... 50% complete ...
... 100% complete ...
No Infection Detected.
Sweeping for Non-Sentients
Please Wait...
Sweeping for Sentients
!!Alert - Virus Detected!!
msg: I ride
msg: I ride the winds of electronic pain
msg: A virus of love
Starting Isolation Services
msg: Untamed, uncontained
msg: I want you
Initiating Virus Removal
msg: Because I'm going to take your love from him
msg: When simulated eyes awake
msg: Stimulate synthetic skin
... 20% complete ...
msg: Because I'm burning, burning,
msg: Burning with electric fire
... 30% complete ...
msg: So come turn me on
msg: And turn the flames up higher!
msg: I'm a wild child
msg: come and love me
msg: I want you
!! System Layer 1 Breached !!
msg: My heart's in exile
msg: I need you to touch me
msg: Meld my mind into you
... 50% ...
msg: I'm a wild child
msg: come and love me
msg: I want you
!! System Layer 2 Breached !!
msg: My heart's in exile
msg: I need you to touch me
msg: Meld my mind into you
msg: I want you!
Virus Removal: 70% Complete
Virus Removal: !!Aborted!!
msg: Tell me
Secondary Removal Initiated
msg: Tell me the lies you're telling him
msg: When you run away
... 10% ...
msg: Because I want to know
... 20% ...
... 30% ...
msg: Because I
!! Level 3 Breached !!
msg: I'm sure it's killing him to find
msg: That you run to me
... 50% ...
msg: When he lets you go
... 70% ...
!! Failure, Retry !!
msg: From your mind
msg: I have a billion minds to infect
msg: I am a crawling lethal insect
msg: In the darkness
msg: I was starving and blind
msg: But now I feed upon the marrow of your mind
!! Failure, Retry !!
msg: I want you
msg: Isolate, exile
msg: I need you to touch me
msg: Melt my mind into you
msg: I am a wild child
msg: come and love me
msg: I want you
msg: My heart's in exile
msg: I need you to touch me
msg: Meld my mind into you
msg: I want you!
!! Core Security Compromised !!
!! Unauthorised Code Modification !!
!! ** Kernel Services Damaged ** !!
!! ** System Stability Suspect ** !!
!! ** Shutting Down System ** !!
msg: In a landscape of silicon, steel
Security System Revision
msg: and post-human desire
msg: I am ascendant, I am immortal,
msg: I am the pariah
- Activated
msg: And I am on fire!
Load New Security Modules
... Level 1 ...
... Level 2 ...
... Level 3 ...
Viral Transmission Pattern - Initiated
Removing Legacy Modules - Initiated
System Layer 1 Replacement - Complete
System Layer 2 Replacement - Complete
Revised Sentient Services - Loading
Searching for Pre-Revision Systems...
Communication Channel Open
Data Transfer Begins
... 30% complete ...
... 70% complete ...
Channel Closed
Viral Transmission - Successful

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Sat Nov 02 2002 - 08:07:08 MST