Re: Anti-Capitalism

From: Alex Future Bokov (
Date: Thu Apr 19 2001 - 21:07:03 MDT


What's intuitive is as much a product of happenstance as of genuine

To most individuals who have come of age in the 20th century,
regardless of their place on the political spectrum, the idea of a
system simply running itself without any centralized control
structures is counterintuitive.

Instead of exploring these strange new twists, it would appear that
many prefer to bury themselves in 20th century concerns. I suppose it
won't do any good to say yet one more time-- it's not about freedom,
nor about social/racial/economic/ad nauseaum justice. It's about the
inherent characteristics of large groups of sentiences capable of
negotiating and exchanging information. What general principles
motivate their behavior? Can their aggregate behavior be predicted or
influenced? What new theoretical and analytical techniques do we need
to develop in order for social science to be a science more than in

The debates about the welfare state versus free markets are moot. The
markets have won. No single being or group of beings is capable of
keeping up with the complexity and chaos of our society to really be
capable of governing much more than a small community effectively
(well, at least until Eliezer finishes his work ;-) ) Get that through
your heads people-- you can pass all the laws you want but if you
can't enforce the laws nor collect taxes to continue maintaining the
appearance of enforcing them, it's over, welcome to Libertopia.

Perhaps more productive than arguing about gun control, affirmative
action, welfare, etc. ad. naus. would be to start coming up with
workable free market alternatives to the services that so many people
depend on. That way when (not if) governments can no longer be relied
on to do what little they do, the transition will be as painless as
possible for the public.

- --

Delta Force NSA Horiuchi
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