Re: ULE: covert vs overt

From: Ross A. Finlayson (
Date: Thu Apr 19 2001 - 06:43:04 MDT

Michael Wiik wrote:

> Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
> > Yet, if any question arose about the actions of the
> > police officer or officers while they were in the bathroom where the answer
> > affected the public interest, then that would actually be on file.
> Yes, but that may be too late. Please recall my original assumption.
> What a person does in the bathroom may be private, what he flushes into
> the sewer system is a public concern. Perhaps in this case the toilet
> itself would be monitored and either flush normally or call the
> emergency biohazard team as appropriate.
> -Mike
> --
> ======================================================================
> Michael Wiik
> Principal
> Messagenet Communications Research
> Washington DC Area Internet and WWW Consultants
> ======================================================================

Here, what you mention would only apply to public toilets. Private landowners
could not be beholden to install any form of transparency device in their
toilets, although they could. The only place that the community could put
sensors would be off of the private property where the gray water and sewage
lines reentered the public water system. So, public inputs and outputs could be
monitored, but U.S. citizens actually enjoy constitutional protections of their
reasonable relative privacy on their private property.

Now then, each private house might want to put a sensors on the incoming "fresh"
water lines, not to mention a filter. Here, the private property owners have the
right to inspect anything coming into their devices on their property.

Putting content sensors on various community public water systems is not a bad
idea, because it would help in the maintenance of the utilities.

The same goes for industrial processes, for the most part. Many largescale
industrial processes have regulatory oversight concerns. To some extent that
allows regular inspections, etc., on property that is used to generate certain
commodities used by the public or that produces certain "dangerous" quantities or
using "dangerous" methods, for example meat packing and nuclear power plants.
Where that private producer's property ends and and public inputs are re-output,
as it were, then community sensors could be installed. What this means is that
community interests could gather evidence from a public stream to see if had been
polluted, and take action for it.


Ross Andrew Finlayson
Finlayson Consulting
Ross at Tiki-Lounge:
"It's always one more."  - Internet multi-player computer game player

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