Re: Capitalism, Private Property, etc (was Re: Sweatshops)

From: Mark Walker (
Date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 17:42:51 MDT

From: Michael Lorrey <>
> The contradiction is that socialism decries the fact that the
> corporation siphons a part of the laborers productive output to pay
> management and capital, as if this confiscation is some sort of
> injustice. It then goes on to presume that it is perfectly alright for
> society to confiscate the productive output of the laborer. The best
> arguments it can make for such confiscation hinge on 'repaying the past
> generations' for the labor they invested in the current infrastructure,
> while they ignore that this is the ENTIRE purpose for which the cost of
> capital serves. Is this clear enough?
Yes, much better. Now I see the contradiction. My only niggling worry is
that socialists would see these acts as entirely different. Wouldn't
socialists argue that the one is an
unjust siphoning of wealth in the interest of the few--the capitalists; the
other a just siphoning in the interest of all?

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