Extro-5 --Kurzweil To Attend In Person

From: E. Shaun Russell (e_shaun@extropy.org)
Date: Tue Apr 17 2001 - 17:42:05 MDT


Two weeks ago Extropy Institute announced that author, inventor and
entrepreneur Ray Kurzweil would be doing an interactive videoconference on
the afternoon of Friday, June 15th.

As of April 16th, there has been a slight change in plans. Rather than
having an interactive videoconference of the Friday afternoon, Ray Kurzweil
has agreed to be at the conference in person on the Friday evening. This
should prove to be even more convenient for those registrants who could not
make it for the Friday afternoon event.

The format for Mr. Kurzweil's presentation will remain roughly the same,
with ample time for questions and answers. The presentation will begin at
approximately 8:30 PST on Friday, June 15th after the reception for
Benefactors, Speakers, Directors, Advisors and sponsors.

We are extremely grateful for Mr. Kurzweil's enthusiasm in accomodating the
Extro-5 Conference into his already busy schedule.

For more conference info, please see http://www.extropy.org/ex5/extro5.htm .

                                                Hope to see you there!

                                                        -E. Shaun Russell

                                                         Operations Officer,
                                                         Extropy Institute

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