Re: Made in China

From: Ross A. Finlayson (
Date: Mon Apr 16 2001 - 12:46:53 MDT wrote:

> > There are growing numbers of us that take these issues to heart. I
> > have long thought about starting a retail store where everything
> > available was "Made In America". I think these would prove far more
> > popular than many people think.
> It's a good idea, but why stop there? How about a "Made in Nebraska"
> store for Nebraskans, and similarly for other states?
> Or better still, "Made in Dubuque", "Made in Palm Springs", "Made in
> Talahassee" stores, etc.
> In fact, this whole business about trade is a bunch of nonsense, really.
> Why give your money to someone else when you can keep it right here at
> home. Build and make everything yourself: shop at your own "Made at My
> House" store and you won't ship any of your money off your own property.
> If it's good to keep your money within your country, surely it's even
> better to keep it within your state, better still within your city,
> and best of all within your house.
> Hopefully the fallacy here is clear: the advantage of trade is that
> it allows people in different areas to specialize in different things.
> This is more efficient and less wasteful than trying to do everything
> locally. The wider the range of talents and resources available, the
> greater are the opportunities for finding the best possible match of
> people and production. Trade on a worldwide basis maximizes available
> resources for everyone.
> The most efficient system is one where you buy the goods that are
> cheapest, regardless of where they are produced. Anything else is just
> throwing money away. You're hurting yourself and those around you by
> boycotting trade opportunities.
> Hal

I think that is not so simple. For example, it is good to shop around for
bargains, but also you must consider the premiums of cost.


Ross Andrew Finlayson
Finlayson Consulting
Ross at Tiki-Lounge:
"It's always one more."  - Internet multi-player computer game player

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