RE: taxifornia power sitch

From: Ralph Lewis (
Date: Sun Apr 15 2001 - 23:05:00 MDT

No I taught in business. 30 % of our seniors had critical thinking skills
(bssic reading and understanding) BELOW middle school level norms.

Many of my senior students could not read at all.

I retired rather than fight that mess.

Best Ralph

At 03:44 PM 04/08/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Ralph Lewis wrote,
>> If you think the power situation is bad you ought to see the total mess in
>> the educational K-16 system. We are now giving BS degrees to students who
>> can't read. Sort of gives a new meaning to the BS degree.
>How real is this? Does anyone have a specific example of someone getting a
>BS degree who can't read? In what science major? I keep hearing about
>this, but I can't believe this actually occurs. This isn't referring to
>sports scholarships, honorary degrees or private religious schools, is it?
>Harvey Newstrom <> <>

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