LE: Life Extension Update 2001.04.14

From: Technotranscendence (neptune@mars.superlink.net)
Date: Fri Apr 13 2001 - 20:02:40 MDT

LEF Email List1 - http://www.lef.org


may be "curable"; PROTOCOL: Female Hormone Modulation Therapy; FEATURED
HealthWatch - The rationale for annual blood testing; BLOOD TESTING SALE

Menopause may be "curable"

Menopause, the cessation of menstruation known as "the change of life",
while looked forward to by some women who have difficult menstrual
periods, is dreaded by many who fear hot flashes, depression, insomnia,
loss of libido and other unwelcome changes. Menopause is believed to start
in the ovaries, with a loss of eggs and their accompanying estrogen. But
researchers at the University of Michigan, funded by the National
Institute of Health's Institute on Aging, are testing the theory that
rather than starting in the ovaries, menopause starts in the brain with a
disruption of circadian rhythms. Although the trial, currently in its
fourth year, is not over, preliminary findings look promising.

Research team leader and University of Michigan School of Nursing
Professor, Nancy Reame, MSN, PhD, explained, "If we can understand the
causes of the very early, initial changes that may be happening in the
brain to bring on menopause, we will probably then have a way of
intervening much earlier than at the time of menopause . . . Obviously,
you can't go in and look at women's brains to see the changes to the
hypothalamus, which is the part of the brain that regulates the menstrual
cycle and ovulation. Instead, we at U-M are studying a particular brain
function that we know plays an important role in the menstrual cycle
regulation, and that is the production of the hormone GnRH."

GnRH stands for gonadotropin releasing hormone, a hormone released by the
brain whose levels change throughout the life of women as well as over a
twenty-four hour period, particularly during sleep. GnRH interacts with
the pituitary gland to secrete hormones in a rhythm that signals the ovary
to stimulate growth of a new egg every month. Study participants at the
University of Michigan General Clinical Research Center's sleep lab have
their GnRH levels monitored during sleep to study the changes in the
rhythm that occur as women age.

Dr Reame added, "Because GnRH is the conductor of the reproductive cycle,
any changes in the brain that start early on could conceivably be the
preemptive cause for this change in ovarian function and perhaps, may be
part of early changes associated with menstrual cycle irregularity . . .
Besides estrogen, there are a number of other hormones produced by the
ovaries that we think play an important role in fine tuning menstrual
cycle regularity and maintaining fertility. We now know that these
fine-tuning hormones are also lost over time, well before estrogen levels

A way to delay or prevent menopause would be a boon for women who are
attempting to conceive later in life, as well as help to decrease the risk
of osteoporosis and heart disease. It would also relieve women of the
physical and mental symptoms that many experience during this time. The
downside could be an enhanced risk of breast cancer.

Dr Reame announced, "We may have a cure for menopause, if we really want
to do that."

Female hormone modulation therapy

Concern about the life-threatening side effects of synthetic hormone drugs
has caused many women to be deprived of the benefits of safe natural
hormone replacement therapy.

Proper hormone modulation can prevent degenerative disease and improve
functioning in both the physical and emotional spheres of life, both at
menopause and throughout life. For example, many sexual "dysfunctions,"
including lack of desire, can be mitigated when hormone levels are
naturally restored to a youthful profile. Menopause might also be delayed
and be less traumatic if hormone adjustments are made in time. Numerous
female health problems are tied to inadequate hormone balances, as we will

Forty-five million women are menopausal in the United States today;
another 3.5 million women will become menopausal this year. Based on life
expectancy trends, women face the prospect of spending the last one-third
to one-half of their lives in a state of hormonal imbalance. The quality
and quantity of life for these women will be determined by how well they
(and their doctors) manage their hormone replacement.

Evidence suggests that estriol offers many of the benefits of more
traditional estrogen replacement therapies, but without the harsh side
effects or longer term dangers often encountered by other substances and
trademarked products. First, some background. The primary forms of
estrogen include three substances: estrone, estradiol and estriol. Estrone
sulphate is the form of estrogen found in Premarin, while 17-a estradiol
is the form of estrogen found in the products Estrace and Estraderm.
Estrone and estradiol, known as "conjugated estrogens," significantly
increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer when taken for more than 10
years. According to the Merck Manual, conjugated estrogens are substances
that even have been listed as known carcinogens, yet they are the
unquestioned choices of too many physicians.

Estriol, on the other hand, is a weak estrogen that provides the antiaging
benefits of estrogen replacement therapy, apparently without the risk of
cancer. Consider this evidence of its benignity: during pregnancy, huge
amounts of estriol are secreted by the placenta to protect the fetus.
Urinary assay of estriol is used to assess the fetus' viability.

There also is direct evidence from animal studies, and indirect evidence
from human studies, that estriol can prevent breast cancer. Much of this
work has been done by Dr. H. M. Lemon and associates of the Department of
Internal Medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.
In one study, they induced mammary tumors by radiation in female rats. In
the control group, 75% developed tumors. However, among those animals
receiving estriol, just 48% developed tumors. In another study by the
Lemon team, estriol was shown to have "the most significant anti-mammary
carcinogenic activity of 22 tested compounds [because]. . . estriol is
less likely to induce proliferative changes in the target organs of
cancer-prone women than estrone or estradiol."



Pregnenolone is the true "mother hormone," made directly from cholesterol
within the mitochondria. In addition to memory enhancement, a partial list
of pregnenolone's diverse benefits include:

1. No negative feedback loop. Once produced, pregnenolone leaves the
mitochondria so it cannot inhibit its own synthesis.
2. Complete hormone balance. Does everything DHEA does and more. Unlike
DHEA, pregnenolone readily converts into progesterone.
3. Enzyme repair. The cytochrome P-450 enzyme system is stimulated by the
addition of pregnenolone. This enzyme system is important in neutralizing
cellular toxins.
4. Protection from cortisol/cortisone. Cortisol levels increase with
normal aging causing immune impairment, atherosclerosis, and neuronal
injury. Pregnenolone protects against adrenal atrophy when withdrawing
cortisone therapy. Pregnenolone helps protect against the effects of
elevated cortisol including atrophy of the skin, osteoporosis, hot flashes
in women and possibly adult-onset diabetes.


MEGA SOY EXTRACT provides more than twice the amount of dietary soy
isoflavones typically consumed in Japan, where breast and prostate cancer
are very low.

Menopausal symptoms and the incidence of osteoporosis also are reduced
among those who consume soy. And one study shows that soy isoflavones
promote an anabolic effect on bone density in post-menopausal women by
binding to the estrogen receptors in bone tissue.

For general disease prevention purposes, one capsule, twice a day is
suggested. Women seeking to use higher doses of the new soy extract for
the phytoestrogenic effects should take two to three capsules, twice a

Soy extracts have become very popular in the last few years as an adjuvant
(assisting) cancer therapy. In fact the scientific literature makes a
strong case that all cancer patients should take soy supplements. Treating
cancer, however, is not simple, and some cancer patients are less likely
to benefit from soy, while others should not use it at all.

HealthWatch: The rationale for annual blood testing

Aging causes significant alterations in hormone balance.

In aging men, beneficial hormones such as testosterone, DHEA and growth
hormone decline, while less desirable hormones such as estrogen and
cortisol often increase. The effects of these hormone imbalances can
manifest as clinical depression, increased abdominal obesity, diminished
mental and physical energy levels, and loss of libido.

Aging females often suffer a progesterone and DHEA deficit, while levels
of estrogen and testosterone can become too high or low. The clinical
effects of these hormone imbalances in females often manifest as the
symptoms associated with menopause, depression, loss of bone mass, and
loss of libido.

In both men and women, the failure to correct hormone imbalance can
directly contribute to cardiovascular disease, certain forms of cancer,
Type II diabetes, osteoporosis, and neuronal degeneration.

The good news is that once hormone status is ascertained, definitive
corrective action can be taken to safely restore hormone balance to a
youthful range.


What follows is a listing of some of the popular tests Foundation members
request. Please note that our retail prices are lower than what most
commercial laboratories and doctors charge. Until April 15, 2001, The Life
Extension Buyers Club is offering an extra-special member discount on all
blood tests.

Test Member Discount Price until April 15

CBC/Chemistry Profile (retail $63.00) $26.00
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) (retail $60.00) $27.00
Homocysteine (retail $110.00) $48.00
DHEA Sulfate (retail $77.00) $39.00
C-reactive protein (retail $59.00) $28.00
Estradiol (retail $102.00) $48.00
Progesterone (retail $102.00) $48.00
Free Testosterone (retail $112.00) $52.00
Somatomedin C (IGF-1) (retail $184.00) $73.00
Fibrinogen (retail $58.00) $24.50
Free PSA (retail $103.00) $48.00

For those who want to have the most important blood tests, The Life
Extension Foundation has put together a list of the most highly
recommended for men or women. The following prices for the Male or Female
Panels reflects the special sale prices in effect until April 15, 2001:

Male Life Extension Panel: $268.00
Female Life Extension Panel: $303.00

If you have questions or comments concerning this issue or past issues of
Life Extension Update, or on any other life extension topics, send your
inquiry to ddye@lifeextension.com

For longer life,

Dayna Dye
Editor, Life Extension Update
Life Extension Foundation

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