Re: The future of product labeling

From: John Marlow (
Date: Fri Apr 13 2001 - 14:34:50 MDT

And then we'll have handy-dandy websites offering the straight skinny
in a heartbeat. Verification might be a sticky issue.


On 13 Apr 2001, at 12:39, Brian D Williams wrote:

> I've recently joined a number of other Americans in screening out
> >from my purchases items made in China, (payback's a bitch) and as
> a result I've been thinking about labeling and it's effects.
> The two most immediate cases that come to mind (besides China) are
> the story of Usa Japan, and the biotech industries attempts to
> avoid labeling at all costs.
> In fact I can easily imagine the WTO or similar organization
> passing regulations against "Made in _____" labeling specifically
> to prevent economic action against politically unpopular nations.
> Discuss.
> Brian
> Member:
> Extropy Institute,
> Adler Planetarium
> Life Extension Foundation,
> National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
> Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

John Marlow

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