Re: The pool we're trying to paddle in

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Thu Apr 12 2001 - 00:01:48 MDT

"J. R. Molloy" wrote:
> > Besides we do not know enough about the universe to say with
> > certainty that there is not a God. (hence agnosticism)
> > Brian
> Since God supposedly created the universe, perhaps we don't know enough about
> God to say with certainty that there is a universe.

God was a hyper-intelligent geek kid in another universe that cooked up
this mess on what in his society is rigtheous but not terribly
impressive home computer-ware. Eventually it evolved into this here
stuff. There certainly is a universe, as long as his machines stay up
and/or he remembers to keep backups. :-)

- samantha

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