Re: Computer biz singularity

Date: Thu Mar 29 2001 - 06:32:37 MST

In a message dated 3/29/2001 8:08:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< The evidence for this abounds, everywhere you look, companies are getting
 eatten by the little guys with the weapons of open source, open hardware,
 and moores law. Hardware has vastly outrun real peoples ability to use it,
 and a beastly computer is $700 if you really go nuts (my roomie just built a
 box for his mom better then anything I use for 700) >>
My guess is that you will not go broke in investing in what Wall-Streeters
call high tech stocks, which simply means that they are referring to computer
manufacturing of hardware, software, importing, and retailing. Notice that
biotechnology is almost always set in a separate category, related almost
exclusively to pharmaceuticals.

Having said that, one would have to study which electronics technology
company appears to be a decent bet, being prepared to sell and reinvest as
needed. The old retailing trades and industries you have mentioned in your
entire post, certainly have been whacked, down, dozens of times over the last
130 years; agriculture and metals industries, in particular. Wearable
computing, such as souped-up PDA's, so popular in Japan, are an example of
the changes and opportunities to come. My guess is that for the next 3
decades, computing as we see it today will simply evolve into the background,
but will still produce high dividends. My hope is that biotech and perhaps,
non-organic nanotech, might sprout up as the new moneymakers.

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