Re: Gina Miller's mailing address

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Wed Mar 28 2001 - 21:50:40 MST

> J Corbally wrote:
> I've had a member of my family spend time in prison, so I have some idea of
> how difficult this can be for both those on the inside and the outside.

Having an associate incarcerated certainly has given me a
brand new outlook on the whole situation. I have never
had anyone that I know personally in prison. Having never
met Gina in the flesh, I still feel I know her from her posts
here. When she comes home, we need to have a massive
email yellow ribbon party. We could check the archives
for the week she left and when she gets home, arrange for
us to be arguing about all the same topics.

Oh, wait, my mistake. We needn't make any special
arrangements to make that happen.

{8^D kidding bygones.

Come home soon Gina.


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