Re: _Going Inside: A Tour Round a Single Moment of Consciousness_, John McCrone

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Wed Mar 28 2001 - 02:14:15 MST

On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, J. R. Molloy wrote:

> Jim Fehlinger quoted,
> > A charismatic figure, Edelman proved adept at drumming up
> > sponsorship. Eventually, enough money was raised to found the
> > Neurosciences Institute, a $16 million 'monastery of science'
> > built into a hillside at the Scripps Research Institute in
> > southern California. The cash paid for wet labs to study
> > neurology and dry labs for computer simulations of brain
> > circuits. Edelman could also afford thirty full-time staff. For
> > other neuroscientists, it was bad enough that a complete outsider
> > was getting his own lab, free of any of the usual teaching
> > responsibilities or funding constraints
> Sounds like Eliezer.

Thirty full time staff means neuroscientists, starting at postdoctoral
grade. Maybe a few lab assistants and grad students, to wash the dishes.
The only initial position for a computer person without a degree is a
sysadmin, maybe. I'd be really surprised if they'll hire hotshot
programmers without a pedigree (i.e. experience as numerics wonks).

I don't think this sounds like Eliezer, because he doesn't want get a
degree in the area he's pursuing, creating an artificial intelligence.
Also, he doesn't seem to think much of neuroscience, at least judging from
his post history.

It is not a good idea to start your carreer by deliberately narrowing down
your choices. Getting a Ph.D. by the time you're 25 is very possible for
a hardworking person of a larger than average intelligence working in the
right place, and opens a lot of doors.
> Are you listening, Eugene?

I'm not reading everything (now here's an application for a couple of
clones with shared memory), but I obviously read this one ;)

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