Re: Economic (ignorance) Nativism and me

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Mon Mar 26 2001 - 09:39:22 MST


>I was watching a CNN report, on an issue that has been brewing
>since last year, when an org funded by Gates of Microsoft, and
>Larry Elison of Oracle had a 'study' that postulated something
>like 1.5 million IT jobs would be created in the USA in something
>like 5 years. Then this org proceeded to hit Congress, with the
>need for permitting much, more 1H-B applicants. This category of
>applicants are non USA people, supposedly needed to keep the
>American technological workhorse from floundering, due to lack of
>enough Americans trained in IT.

It's a matter of perspective. One could argue that there is not a
shortage of software people, just a shortage of software people who
are willing to work for what the companies are willing to pay.

>my own nasty suspicion, is that this unbelievable, demand, for
>computer geeks, described in the 'report' may merely be a fig leaf
>to use foreign, IT guys and gals to drive down the pay rates of US
>proggies. My anger (if it is justified) is not at all targeted
>toward these foreign workers; but toward their paymasters of
>silicon valley, and their buds in corporate USA.

Your instincts are correct. These companies are seeking the best
possible help for the lowest possible cost.

>Most of you are of Libertarian in temperament, if not in actual
>voting pattern. Is it reasonable to be concerned that our economic
>living standards may be driven down by what might be a scam? Is
>there any independent, corroborating, economic studies, that would
>indicate that we are indeed, in such dire, lack of trained North
>Americans, that we need to import; lest the wheel of intellectual
>commerce poop-out? If the captains of industry are putting such a
>grand inaccuracy, won't a declining standard of living for USA
>IT workers eventually, puncture their profit margins??

The companies are looking after there own best interest, it is only
common sense that you do the same.

>I know I come off looking like a nativist, troglodyte (especially
>if I am), however I am willing to be corrected.

I don't see you as such. As I stated the companies are seeking to
maximize their bottom lines, I suggest you do whatever is in
accordance with your values to maximize yours.


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