LUDD: ELF calls for action April 19th

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Fri Mar 23 2001 - 12:48:36 MST

Lock up your dewars, replicators, clones and frankenfood, the ELF's are
a comin'!!!!

>Subject: Frontline: ELF Call for an International Day of Action on April 19
>Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 22:27:13 -0600
>Frontline Information Service - Communique 3/20/01
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>ELF Call for an International Day of Action on April 19
>Received Anonymously:
>As an autonomous cluster of cells within the broader Earth Liberation Front, we
>call for an international day of action on April 19. This years Earth Day
>commemoration will mark the near-completion of mainstream environmentalisms
>greenwashing, with an international theme of Clean EnergyE-an oxymoron if
>there ever was one. Simultaneously, corporate and governmental elite from
>throughout the hemisphere will gather in Quebec City to carry forward the
>planning process for the Free Trade Area of the Americas, the next
>escalation of capitals war on Earth and Her people.
>In response to these threats to our continued existence, and in solidarity
>with those on the frontlines of the ecological resistance in the streets of
>Quebec City and throughout the world, we intend to draw attention to the only true
>solution to the continuing destruction of our planets ecological
>integrity--massive resistance to the machinery of global capitalism, liberal
>democracy and industrial civilization. At the same time, we hope to divert
>valuable state resources from the inevitable oppression of those standing
>in opposition to the Summit of the Americas. We invite participation from all
>interested parties--cells of the Animal Liberation Front, Earth First!,
>anti-genetix campaigners, and any other group or individual willing to
>stand with us and declare, No compromise in defense of Mother Earth!'

>Earth Liberation Front
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