Re: TECH: Re: Telephones & DSL: Can we lose the phone?

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Thu Mar 22 2001 - 10:03:53 MST

On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Brian D Williams wrote:

> The future is out on DSL. Here in Illinois, the Illinois Commerce
> Commission recently ruled DSL as a mere extension of existing POT's
> service and said all provisions of the '96 telecom act applied. The
> regional carrier (us) disagrees strongly, saying DSL is a new
> service and not subject to the Telecom act, as a result, we have
> currently suspended all new DSL facilities here in Illinois.

Wow, it sounds like you folks are at the other end of the spectrum
compared with Seattle. I've got 3 different suppliers competing
for my connection $$.

> Robert, I don't know where you live, but in my area and I'm pretty
> sure in the whole U.S., we (the RBOC's) do not currently use IPv6,
> therefore it is unsupported.

This was what I thought about a year ago, but I thought it might
have improved since then.

> The problem with routers is of course routing tables and how to
> update them (what happens when a route is lost?).

I think you could handle this by periodic "pinging" and
maintaining who you are able to connect to.

> Who's going to build and maintain the network on which this all
> runs?

There are a host of people doing the long distance fiber
stuff and there are a lot of lines drawn all over the
streets of Seattle and holes in the ground where they
are laying fiber, esp. downtown (where as you point out
you get the business $$). [Its kind of funny walking
across the street reading the blue line labeled MCI,
the red line labeled Sprint, etc.] I'm primarily thinking
of a startup that is or would do this. (As you point out
there are companies doing some related stuff. I think
Ricochet is the name of one. I was looking for perhaps some
more detail on how these companies are currently doing.)
My point would be that if the TelCo's don't get involved
with this at some point there may not be any more use
for the TelCo's. You know its "evolve" or perish if
the environment changes.

> Self balancing how, because someone else has built in all
> the very necessary backups to this?

The backups are built into the protocols and the redundancy
of the datapaths. What is missing at this point are "fast"
ways of detecting outages and routing around them.


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